Month: August 2022

The Dawn Raids

During Humanities, we’ve been working on the Dawn Raids, a significant part of history in New Zealand. Here’s my work on it:


Who was involved?

The people who were mainly involved in the Dawn Raids were Polynesian people, people of colour, government officials, and police officers.

When did this happen?

This whole incident started during 1973 to 1979, around 15 years after Polynesians were first invited to come to New Zealand after World War II.

Where did this take place?

This took place in Auckland, New Zealand.

What happened?- 3 details

The Dawn Raids were basically a time that Polynesian and coloured people were racially profiled, and that they were to be sent back to their home country because they “overstayed” their welcome. It was called the Dawn Raids because police officers would raid the homes of Polynesian/coloured people during the early hours of the morning, which comes in the name, the “Dawn” Raids. During this time, Polynesian/coloured people were to be taken by immigration, questioned on their visa, and it decided if they would be brought back to their home country.

Why did this happen?

This happened because of a political party that supported the idea of bringing back those who migrated from Polynesia, back to their home countries. Their reasoning for these was outrageous, turning to the colour of their skin as a prime target. Eventually, people started to support them and voted for their party in the next election, with their winning, they used this power to create stricter laws on immigration.

What were the outcomes or implications?

The outcomes of the Dawn Raids were that generations after were heavily affected as well. But, they used this part of history as a reflection of standing up for what they know is right, and protecting their ancestors history so that the next generations will never have to face what they did.


That’s all for now in my understanding of the Dawn Raids.

Abomination (Chapter 14-23)

During Humanities today, the class has read up to chapter 23. This is my key events list on the important things that happened in those chapters.

What were the five key events of the chapters?

  1. Martha tells Scott that she gets beaten.
  2. Martha tells Scott more about Mary, like her age, when she got kicked out, and why.
  3. Scott and Martha go to the grocery store.
  4. Scott makes a joke about a cage and Martha gets nervous because of it.
  5. Martha thinks about her sister, and how she wants her to know that she has a friend.

That’s all for now 🙂

Abomination (Un-official report)

Today, I finished reading our novel study book “Abomination”. My thoughts about the book are around the same as when I started, I expected a lot of the plot already reading through the book. I highly recommend the book as it’s a quick read, but is still very interesting and noteworthy. I really wish that there was more to the book though, by the length I mean.

The ear

During science, we’ve been looking at the ear and its parts. In class, we listened to a frequency that most people hear, all the way to the lowest pitch. Here’s a brief summary of what we’ve learnt:

  1. Describe the 3 main parts of the ear, and what their main functions are. Include a diagram.

The three main parts of the ear are outer, middle, and inner ear. Firstly, the function of the outer ear is to collect sound waves and channel them through t

he ear canal, the parts of the outer ear is the auricle; which is made of cartilage, and the ear canal which passes vibrations the the middle ear. Secondly, the function of the middle ear is to send vibrations to the inner ear, which happens because of the three bones in your ear. Lastly, the function of the inner ear is to pass the vibrations onto your brain, the parts of it are the cochlea which is filled with liquid that passes the vibration, and the auditory nerve which passes them to your brain.

2. Choose an animal that hear differently to humans, and explains how they ‘hear’. Do they have ears? What do their ears look like? Why is that special?

An animal that hears differently from humans are bats, which are known for their exceptional hearing. Bats hear using echolocation, sound waves that are emitted by the bats bounce off objects surrounding them. Then, the sound bounces is off and is tuned only for their hearing.

3.Why do we get dizzy when we spin around?

When you spin around again and again, really fast, the fluid in your ears does as well. That’s why you get dizzy when you spin.

Thank you for reading 🙂

Water Recovery

No Water

Scenario: You are stranded on an island with no drinking water. 


The island is surrounded by a lagoon (a body of sea water).


You have a sail from your shipwrecked boat and a plastic container found on the island.


Task: You are to research how you can get pure water from the sea water using the sail and plastic container. Record findings on Google Doc titled “No Water” and put in your 9HEC folder.


My source: How to Desalinate Seawater When Stranded on a Deserted Island : 4 Steps – Instructables




First you dig a bg hole in the sand and in the middle of the hole create a smaller hill, make sure that the sun is facing the large hole.

Then make small crevices on the large holes for the sail and rocks.

Next is to cut the sail into medium sized pieces using a sharp stone, then place the medium sizes of the sail on the smaller hill so the water doesn’t evaporate.

When you finish, place the container on top of the little hill in the middle of the hole and cover the large hole using a piece of the sail.

Lastly, use rocks on the side of the sail (where the crevices are located) to produce as a seal, use your medium sized rock in the center of the sail for the weight in the center (make sure that the rock is aligned with the container so the condensation can from and fall into the container).


Converting Muddy Water Into Fresh Water Using a Shoelace


  • 2 cups
  • One shoelace
  • Muddy water
  • Small Bowl

Step #1: Gather all your equipment and place one of your cups on a flat surface; like a desk. Place the bowl upside down and place your other cup on top of the bowl.

Step #2: Pour your muddy water into the cup that’s on top of the bowl.

Step #3: Twist the shoelace and place inside the cup that has the muddy water, then place the other side of the shoelace into the other cup.

Step #4: Lastly, wait for the water to drip down from the shoelace acting as a filter.

Abomination: Humanities2022

Here’s my work before I started reading the book ‘Abomination’ by: Robert Swindells. Enjoy reading!

Looking at the cover to the right, answer the following questions, remember to explain why you think that for each answer:


  • What do you think the story will be about?

I’m thinking that this story is about wrongful imprisonment involving a child because of the cover. This also leads me to believe that the person who imprisoned the child is an “abomination”, or that’s what they’re referred to as because of the title.

  • How do you think this story will be written? e.g First person/third person/ diary etc

I’m guessing that this book will be written in first person and that it would switch POV’s in the story, but this is just a prediction.

  • Why do you think the story is called Abomination?

I think the story is called abomination because there are acts in the book that are referred to as an abomination. Such as the child imprisonment that I mentioned when I was predicting what the book was about.

  • Where do you think the story will take place?

I’m guessing that this story is based in the United Kingdom, because the author is from the United Kingdom and they usually write stories based on their home country.


Fast Finishers/ Experts: 


Sticks and stones may break my bones,

 but names will never hurt me’ 


Explain why this rhyme is not true. Why do adults/children say it? What would be a better phrase for people to use?


I think that this rhyme is not true, it’s because of the fact that names can hurt people alongside sticks and stones just as the rhyme referred to. I would say that names can hurt people because of the fact that they affect you because you make it affect you. You think that the name is true and you base your insecurities off that word, even though it’s not true. 

Adults say this because they aren’t as naive as they were as a child and they know their worth, and children say this because of the fact that their words don’t affect them and that’s irrelevant. 

A better phrase that people could say is, “Sticks, stones, and names may hurt my bones, but I know my worth and that’s the truth,”. This phrase shows that even though what they do or say may affect you, you don’t think it’s true and that it will never hurt you.


Thank you for reading, that’s all for now.

Abomination – Chapters 1-13

In Humanities, we’ve started doing our novel study on ‘Abomination’ by: Robert Swindells. In this blog, I’ve done two tasks on chapter 1-13, the first one being the key events of the story so far, and a creative piece of writing. I hope you enjoy reading my work for this week.


Task #1


Key Events

  1. Martha is chased by the bullies in her school, one of them being the new kid Scott.
  2. Scott meets Martha for the first time, and talks about what he thinks about her.
  3. Abomination is first mentioned in chapter 3.
  4. We’re introduced to Martha’s older sister, Mary, through the postcards she sends.
  5. The Righteous Church is first mentioned in chapter 3 as well, alongside the rules they have to follow being a part of it. 
  6. Scott gives Martha his ruler to borrow, this is where they interact directly for the first time.
  7. When Martha’s going to church, Scott sees her walking with her parents.
  8. Scott is bullied by the people in his school because he talked to and let Martha borrow his ruler.
  9. Scott’s mother sees how badly beaten Scott was, but he tells her that they were playing a game at school.
  10. Martha’s father punishes her because she was late to dinner and sent her to her room without food, this implies for the next chapter that she was beaten.


Task #2


Creative Writing: Imagine you are a member of ‘The Righteous’, the religious group Martha’s family belong to. Write to convince outsiders to join your group by explaining what the benefits of your organisation are. We do not know a lot about ‘The Righteous’ from the book so here is a chance to be creative and use your imagination. 


‘Walk in obedience to all that the Lord your God has commanded you, so that you may live and prosper and prolong your days in the land that you will possess.’ – Deuteronomy 5:33.

At the Righteous Church, we dedicate our service in praising and serving the Lord. Our service is overflowing with all sorts of knowledge and guidance from God. Attending our service allows you to connect with God alongside your Christian family that surrounds you in our church. We follow through the bible guiding individuals such as yourself to the word of God. We follow through with the singing of the hymns, reading of the scripture verses, a psalm, our sermon, and we end our service with a meal. If you wish to join our church, you are welcome to join our service every week during Sunday. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.



That’s all for now 🙂

Performing Arts – Arts Kete

This is my blog on what I’ve started working on in the performing arts kete, I answered some questions and I hope you take the time to read my answers :>

  1. Why did you choose the Performing Arts Kete? I chose the performing arts kete because I wanted to perform a piece of music in front of an audience.
  2. What have you decided to do as your performance and who are you working with?  I have decided to play guitar and sing by myself, but I’m thinking of being in my original group as well.
  3. What are you enjoying about this kete so far? I like that fact that we can work in individual rooms by ourselves or with our group.
  4. What are you finding challenging? Something I find challenging is that it could be hard to focus on practising because you can still hear other things.
  5. Which part of your performance are you working on first? I’m working on learning the chords for the song first.
  6. What is your rehearsal goal for the next two weeks? (What would you like to get done in this time frame) In 2 weeks, my goal is to be able to do the song on the guitar with a guide or sheet.

That’s all for now in this blog 🙂

Abomination (Chapter 1-9)

Today, we started reading “Abomination” by: Robert Swindells. It’s a book about this girl named Martha, living a different life from those around her, and that she can’t ever bring anyone home. We ended up reading to chapter 9.

A summary for these chapters include Martha meeting Scott and the two of them starting to become friends but the people in their school start bullying them; Martha, because of that fact that she’s odd, and Scott befriending Martha. They mention a little the Righteous Church, Martha’s parents, and her older sister who got kicked out. That’s it for now 🙂

Lawyer Paragraph

Here’s my lawyer paragraph on why Iqbal had a difficult lie. The way I wrote this was stating my point, why it matters, give examples, and summing it up. Please enjoy.

Iqbal’s gruelling life started when he was born to a family burdened by debt. This was the very moment his life wasn’t his to live and that his only purpose was to work, and that those his family loaned money from were now his owners. Ever since he was 4 years old, all the way to him escaping the factory, his life revolved around work with a measly break to have food adjoined to their debt, leading him to a path of starvation. In this factory he faced the brutality of being a bonded laborer working off his debt one day at a time with a pay so little, and cruelty from his owners that etched itself onto his skin , the memories lasting with him til the day he died. Iqbal endured a life of child labour, cruelty, threats, punishment , and later death. This was not the end of his story though, he will forever be remembered as a hero to the many people he set free.

Thank you for reading :>